Friday, March 13, 2015

I Couldn't Resist

Hey yall,
I am sorry I haven't put up a new blog post lately. It has been so rainy and nasty outside, I haven't had a chance to. However, I did come across a dress that I have fallen in love with. Now when I bought it Ebay claimed it was vintage, but I think it is simply handmade because there was another one she was selling. It is too small for me now, but I am going to use it as a goal for my weight loss.

Speaking of weight loss, my diet pills Alli is back on the market and I am thrilled! It is the only way in the past I have really been able to lose weight. Mainly due to the fact I am terrified of the side-effects if I don't follow the diet strictly, but I digress.

In other news, a while back my mom came across some of my grandpa's wedding pictures. I had only seen one photo of my grandmother before this and I never really knew how much I resemble her. The resemblance is uncanny. I looked at my mother and asked, "Are you sure I am not her reincarnated. She answered, "Well you were born a month and a half after she died."

  0_o   Weird!

But, at least I didn't come back as a cow.  LOL!

What do you think about the photo?

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