Monday, September 7, 2015


So I have been preparing to go back to school, and the day before school I decided to try a new product called Jamberry. Jamberry is a company that creates nail products. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have never had a manicure or a pedicure in my life. Why? Well, it is simply because I am cheap. A sheet of these nail foils is fifteen dollars and if you have shorter nails, they will last you multiple uses. They come in different colors, patterns, and styles. So it is really great to keep on hand for when your having a special occasion.

Originally I was opposed to the idea, which explains my excitement in the video. But, when I finished all my nails, I was surprised how nice they looked. As you can see on the right most finger, I used a nail foil slightly too big. That ended up being the first one to come off. The nail foils ended up lasting me a whole week before that first one finally came off.

When the first one came off, it annoyed the heck out of me and I had to pull the others off, so they would match. My advice to you with these is to be patient. If you just try to smudge it on your nails, the foil is going to wrinkle and look bad on the nail. Another thing to keep in mind is, if you are between nail sizes, use the smaller nail foil. The smaller one will look much nicer than having it sticking to your skin and catching on everything.

Overall, I am really pleased with the nail wraps. I would likely purchase another sheet in the future, not on a weekly basis, but I would definitely buy it for special occasions.  If you are interested in purchasing them, click here to purchase some from the woman I bought them from. They will be mailed to you super quickly and I am sure you will be pleased.

P.S. The video is giving me nothing but issues right now.