Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Oh Fudge!

This morning, I was really craving some strawberry fudge. So, I asked my daddy to bring me to the train station in town. Before you think I am crazy, the train station is now a historical site that is used as a country market. They sell things like crafts, antiques, and sweets. Outside the country market, there is a cage that encloses the town mascot, Hardhide the alligator. It is one of the best tourist attractions in town!

While out, we took some photos in front of the Illinois Central. Across the street a man waved us down and asked if we wanted to take a photo together.

He seemed familiar, but I just couldn't figure out who he was. As it turns out, I did know him. It was Stephen Pugh. He is one of our state representatives. I sang at a fundraiser for one of his political campaigns. The photograph came out great.
In fact, I think I might print it and get it framed.
After taking the photos, we drove home and I realized I forgot the fudge. Oh Fudge!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Hey yall!

During my week off from school, I was able to accomplish a lot of cleaning. One of the areas I focused on was cleaning my closet. While cleaning, I came across my old doll house. I was planning on digging it out and giving it away to one of my friends. However, when I came back to where I had placed the toy, I found a surprise. My Barbie palace had been invaded!!! So it looks like the castle is here to stay.

Other than cleaning, I have also been looking for antique looking props and accessories to dress up the blog. I found this adorable cat phone!!! I am hoping to find a few fascinator hats soon.

For Valentines day, I purchased myself a tripod for my camera. Considering I no longer have to pester my dad when I want to do a blog post, this is a huge perk!

For those who are wondering, the dress is from le bomb shop, and the jacket is from one stop plus.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Happy Mardi Gras!!!

Hey yall,

Although I had to work today, I decided to throw myself semi-together and do a blog post. As many of you know, it is Mardi Gras day!!! For those who don't know, Mardi Gras better known as Fat Tuesday, is the last day of celebration before the Catholic tradition of lent.

In Louisiana, this holiday is a one of the largest tourist attractions of the year. Carnival season starts on King's Day (January 6...and my birthday. Does that make me a queen?) and continues until Fat Tuesday.

During this time, there are several parades where people throw beads, doubloons, cups, etc. off of floats. There are also marching bands, dancers, and dancing horses who perform at the parade.

Another Louisiana tradition, that occurs on King's Day are King Cakes. King Cakes are delicious cinnamon dough cake covered in a thick icing. Some of them are filled with fruit fillings, cream cheese, or nuts. Traditionally, they also have purple, green, and gold sprinkles, which are the Mardi Gras colors. A special thing about King cakes is inside of each one you will find a tiny plastic baby which represents baby Jesus. The person who finds this baby is the one who is obligated to buy the next king cake.

 Although I was unable to visit any of the parades this year, I am going to include the link of 2 videos on youtube that you can view to have a taste of what New Orleans and Mardi Gras is all about. It will also include 2 infamous songs about Louisiana.
Until next time, Laissez les bons temps rouler!
(Let the good times roll!)

Sincerely, The Plush Pinup

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Dearest facebook friends,

As you may have noticed, this past year I have dressed much differently than normal. I have been wearing makeup, curling my hair (when I had a lot of hair, dressing up in retro dresses... Anyway the reason I have been doing all this was for a social experiment.

Last year I was watching the "Today Show" and saw a girl Maya Van Wagenen talking about a book her father gave her. It was a book from the 1950s called, Betty Cornell's Teenaged Popularity Guide. (If you want more information about the book or experiment click here). Anyway, that year she followed the rules in the book and wrote in her diary about the feedback she was receiving from the advice given. She eventually published Popular a Memoir: Vintage Wisdom for a Modern Geek.

I purchased both Maya and Betty Cornell's books and read them. I didn't read all of Maya's book because I didn't want to know how they reacted since I was trying the same experiment. However I did read and follow many of the rules in Betty Cornell's book.

Here are the results...

While walking on campus, I was uncomfortable at first because people were staring at me. Of course, I stuck out like a sore thumb when I am dressed in a frilly mint dress and everyone else is wearing either pajamas or booty shorts.

< This is a picture of my first day at school.

However, that day and every day after that, I started to be constantly complimented on my clothing. It wasn't just student's complimenting me either. Professors, cashiers, random people on the street were all pulling me aside to ask about the way I dress.

I started to gain confidence from their response and began to come out of my shell little by little. Talking to people became much easier and I began to make friends.

Another perk that came from the experiment was respect. When I wear my dresses and look nice, people respect me more. I found that more people would hold the door for me if I was behind them when I was wearing a dress.

Another example of this is, I tend to play with my pencil when I am extremely bored in class. Sometimes the pencil slips from my hand and goes flying across the classroom. In high school, unless it landed by one of my friends, I generally had to wiggle myself in the desk and reach my foot out to try to roll the pencil closer. Now that I dress differently, people are more likely to lean over and hand me the pencil. I know that sounds silly but it is nice.

My favorite moment of respect was a day I went out with some friends. There was a guy in the group I didn't really know well. Despite not knowing him, he came around the car and opened the door for me. I was so surprised that I stood there for a second with my mouth open. That simple gesture was the sweetest thing that had ever happened to me.

Did I become "popular" from this experiment?

No, I did not become what most would call popular; but, I did become more confident and social. I learned that although your personality is very important, the way you present yourself is just as important. When you dress nicely, you project confidence and people are drawn to that.

I have come to believe that in order to be truly loved, you must learn to love yourself... and your cat. Thank you Maya and Betty for teaching me this.


The Plush Pin-up
P.S. For those who are wondering, although my experiment is over. I will continue to blog my college experiences and fashion.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Hey everyone,

With valentines day approaching, I decided that I wanted my outfit to capture a psychedelic movement in time called the "Summer of love," better known as the 1960s. This was the era of free love, the Beatles, and of course Scooby Doo. Inspired by my mystery machine lunchbox my friend gave me for a birthday present, this skirt was created.

Speaking of the mystery machine, something spooky is coming in July. On July 17-19 my friend Char is hosting the Charred Remains Film Festival. It is a online festival celebrating horror movies. If you like to create your own movies, you can even submit a film for a chance at a $500 grand prize! For more information you can check out her blog HERE. Or, you can go to her facebook page HERE.

Going back to the outfit, there is an interesting story about my earrings. I was at work on Christmas eve and I saw a woman come in with gorgeous flower earrings. When she was checking out in my line, I told her how beautiful her earrings were. She smiled and I finished the transaction, before she left she placed something in my hand and said, "Merry Christmas." As she walks out the door, I open my hand up and find the earrings. Since she was already gone, I placed the earrings in my pocket and soaked them in alcohol when I got home. As it turns out they worked out perfectly with this skirt.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Another Le Bomb Shop Dress!!!!

Hello Ladies! Today was a great day. I went to school and received many complements about my dress. Today was also the first time I revealed to anyone about my blog. I have officially decided to come out of hiding as a fashion blogger and start sharing it with those who are curious about why I dress the way I do! Shorter words, the cat is out of the bag!
I actually got pulled over in the hall by a professor who asked me, "Hey, I have been seeing you around school and I was wondering if you make your own clothes? They don't look like clothing you would find in normal stores." 
I answered, "I do make some of my clothes but mainly skirts. The rest I purchase from consignment stores or vintage reproductions stores."
 She smiled and was telling me about how she liked how the were... (she paused for a moment and looked like she was looking for the right word) old fashioned.
Moving on to the dress, it is a Le Bomb Shop dress. I can gladly say I have purchased all 3 of these floral dresses and they are sooooooo flattering!!! The dresses came 2 days after ordering, just like the other dresses I have purchased from them in the past. If you are on the fence about ordering from them, just know that the shipping is free!!!! 
The dress has elastic in the waist which gives you curves in all the right places as well as covering trouble spots. The fabric extremely vibrant and soft. This color when I first saw it I was a bit nervous about. I was afraid it would be too LOUD. However, when I received it in the mail, I saw just how pretty and detailed the fabric is! I am placing a close up on of the fabric below.  
The shoes were another purchase from a consignment shop. I think I paid two dollars for them and they looked like they were never worn. Just to be safe, I sprayed them out with Lysol.
Some future blog post you can look forward to are e 2 more of these dresses, a few new skirts, and the cross your heart tank (also sold at le bomb shop).

P.S. This is a bit off topic, but if you are interested in horror movies, my friend Char is having an online film festival. Here is a link to a facebook page about it. I am not sure of the details, but I will let you know more about it as I find out more.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Waist Training

I am currently thinking about waist training. I have seen several websites that have beautiful corsets but I am not sure if it is right for me. I am not sure how I will like something so tight and in this Louisiana heat, it will probably become itchy. Also, I fear eating will become irritating (not that I couldn't afford to lose a few pounds).

Before I decide I am probably going to check out a book I stumbled upon called, "Victorian Secrets: What a Corset Taught Me about the Past, the Present, and Myself," by Sarah A Chrisman. The author claims she has brought her waist from a 32 inch waist to a 22 inch waist! If any of you have given waist training a try and could recommend any good websites or give me any tips, feel free to leave a comment below.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth!

Hey Yall! I know, I have been gone forever and I am sorry. Life has just been extremely busy.

 Several things have happened since I saw you last.
1. I am back down to the weight I was when I lot 30lbs (from my highest weight.)
2. I finally changed my major to Mass Communications.
3. I sewed one of the fabrics posted to the plush pin-up facebook page as shown in the photo below.
4. I am sick as a dog with the flu and lounging around the house in my bunny pajamas.
As for why I have been too busy to write, I am a full time student and I work part time as a cashier. When I am not working on school work, I am usually practicing my writing on sites like fanfiction.net.
Now as I promised WAY BACK in October for the Halloween party. I am going to review the you-ve-got-sparkle-dress by Chi Chi London, I purchased from modcloth. (Yes, this is back when my hair was blonde....A terrible mistake, I know!)
I can honestly say, this was not the dress for me. Other than the size chart, there was nothing actually wrong with the dress! The dress looked gorgeous online and on the hanger. However, the color makes me look even paler. The fit was WAY off. I had socks stuffed in my bra for the photograph. XD
Since, I naturally have ginormous hips, the puffiness of the dress made me feel like a hot-air balloon. The dress would be nice for someone else, but not for me. The shoes I purchased gently used were fantastic!
I have some lebomb shop dresses I just purchased that I am going to review as soon as I get over this flu. I have already tried these on and I can tell you right now, they are gorgeous!!!! You will definitely want to buy these.