Hi there, my name is Tara Lynn. I am twenty-two years old and am currently attending Southeastern Louisiana University. Recently I came across two books that I hope will change the way I look at life. The first one is
Betty Cornell's Teenaged Popularity Guide and the Other is Maya Van Wagenen's
Popular a Memoir: Vintage Wisdom for a Modern Geek.
Betty Cornell was a young model when she wrote her book and it has many topics such as hair, makeup, how to dress, modeling, holding a part time job... However her book was originally written in the 1950's! How could it possibly be applicable to more modern times? Well, that is what Maya Van Wagenen covers in her book. She applied Betty's guidelines to become popular to her life in 8th grade. She talks about in her book how people reacted to the changes she made in her life. Now the book is published and DreamWorks is planning on making it into a movie, how exciting!
I am going to be completely honest, although I have read Betty Cornell's book, I have not read all of Maya's book yet. "Why?" you ask. Well, I would like to try this same social experiment out on a University level. No one in my school has a clue that I am blogging this and I will likely not tell anyone I even have a blog till I am about a year into the experiment. So this will be our little secret. Shhhhhhh...
Now all through high school, I was never really popular. In fact, I was pretty much just know as the choir nerd with a weird fascination with cats. I had a small circle of friends and I still keep in touch with a few of them. But, I am hoping that in trying this social experiment, I can not only get back in touch with my old friends but I will also make new friends with similar interest as I do.
So what is this challenge going to entail?
From this point on, I am going to try to:
- Have my face put on and hair curled/styled before I step foot out of the house.
- Paint my nails at least once a week.
- Dress as a woman in the 1950's might have. (Gloves, girdles, and hats may or may not be included depending on the activity.)
- Attend at least one formal.
- And finally, my main goal for this semester is to try to get out of my comfort zone and make new friends.
Will this work for me? I don't know. It worked well for Betty and Maya, so I am going to try it for a year and see.
Makeup and pin curls here I come...